Because We Care, We Are Security Aware Did you know that recently the City of Baltimore suffered a cyber attack that froze its ability to operate, including processing parking tickets? In early June of 2019, Philadelphia’s court system was attacked which froze its...
Sunset Treatment Records Frequently practitioners ask what to do about patient records upon patient termination, or in other words, records retention and destruction. This challenge is multi-part and not as easy as one would think. For example, from a technical...
Unsocial Consequences of Social Media on Social Workers Albert Einstein once said: “It has become exceedingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”. There are two interwoven emerging risks that impact professional liability and exposure to claims and...
Live with Purpose, But Live with Protection (Part 2) Living with purpose certainly characterizes what is at the heart of the profession of social work. Equally as important is to live with protection. Social workers need to make sure that they are buffered from the...
Social Worker Core Functions and Shifting the Risk Social Work is a profession and academic discipline that improves the quality of life and well-being of individuals, groups, and communities by direct practice, policy development, organizing communities and outreach,...